The EcoTales Festival at Springtime Safari!

Ecotales press

The piece she has created for EcoTales is called ‘Thirst’. The wave of reused plastic bottles are a reminder of the millions of plastic objects that are manufactured to be used only once and then thrown away into landfill. They represent our disposable lifestyle and culture in the 21st Century. It makes us think about how our lifestyle revolves around things that we just throw away.
The artist is london based Katarina Dimitrijecvic. She operates as KraalD Designedisposal and as well as creating installations from urban plastic trash, she also creates furniture and jewellery using plastic waste materials as an integral part of the finished product. Through exhibitions and workshops she aims to reduce future landfill and she explores recycling and design around re-using things that were made to be disposable.

She is showing us how something so familiar to us can be interepreted in a different way. And with her upcycled designer products she is recreating plastic into useful and beautiful things that we will use and enjoy for years to come.
In fact, they can become objects of desire and useful production materials.
Come and see her installation on Sunday and then meet her too as she will be bringing a selection of her amazing products along.